Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Vox VT20+ Amp Review

Hey guys,
Recently I purchased a Vox VT20+ amp on a trip to Japan, and while it was a pain to find an adaptor for it, I ended up really liking this amp. Honestly it might not be everyone’s’ cup of tea, but it certainly was for me.  This amp is has the lowest wattage from the entire Vox series, so if you need a higher than 20 (20+) watt amp, they are available in this line.

First let me say I really like the look of this amp. It has a classic kind of look that I just love, and it helps that it is very portable. Moving onto the all-important tone, I have to say that it did everything from a clean tone to a heavily distorted tone WELL. The reason I say well, is because it has a very slightly muddled distorted tone, but it you won’t find that a big problem. The clean tone was also good (not as good as certain Fender amps though). But in the end I loved it because it is tonally versatile. Most amps do one thing well and lack the other.

It is great value for money, as you can pick one up for around $140. At that price I was sold because I wanted this amp to just fiddle around at home. For small gigs I recommend the VT40+ or even higher if you need to. But for home playing, the 20-watt amp is sufficient as it also has a knob to adjust the wattage. It can even go to 30 watts, hence the model name 20+. That was a feature I ended up using a lot.

Speaking of features, it has a wide variety of features, which was why I even considered it in the first place. The features include 33amp models, a whole bunch of different effects, tuner, a 3.5mm headphone jack and so on. It has so many features to change the sound that to this day, three weeks after I got it, I’m still discovering some cool new sounds. Also the 5 or so preset sounds that you configure were very useful.

So check it out. Try the different tones. I like the amp and I think you will too.

I will post a picture of my new home setup soon on Google+. That’s it guys and I hope you liked this review of the Vox VT20+.